Can an acrylic bath be repaired?

We can take care of your acrylic tub, fixing the issue in just a few hours, maybe even less. You will be able to use the bath as normal within 24 hours! Many people think that buying a new bath is the best option, but you will save an outstanding amount of money by fixing the existing problem. Not only will this alternative be much faster, making the hassle of not having a washing area less stressful, but it's also much more eco-friendly, your cracked or broken bath will simply be thrown away if you get a new one. It's worth your time, money and carbon footprint to seek repairing your bath...


An acrylic bath repair will usually cost you anywhere from £120 to £200 if it is a dent or a chip. This price may be doubled if it is a crack, it all depends on the size. The reason behind the extra cost when repairing an acrylic bathtub is the time it takes, and the attention it requires. It can be very simple, but it sometimes gets a bit more complex.


If you let us do this work for you, it will last as long as the bath would have before it got damaged. So, to answer this question, you might want to ask yourself how long it had left. We are happy to take a look for you, but as rule of thumb, most baths we fix last for years to come. In most cases, it is definitely worth opting in for the work, instead of investing that sum multiple times to buy a new product.


You are right to ask this question, it's no good fixing your bathtub if it is going to really obvious and stand out every time you see it. Luckily, acrylic repairs are very hard to spot, when done properly. In certain lighting, if you really pay attention, you might be able to spot it. This is highly unlikely and as mentioned, only in certain lighting and with certain angles. It isn't something that you should worry about, our company has never heard a complaint about this.


The answer is: Yes you can. By buying a repair kit from screwfix for example, you will be able to do this work yourself. The only issue with this is that people often don't specialise in bathtub repair, so it's not spot on. Worst case scenario, you will make it worse. This isn't often the case however, many people just end up with a different shade of white around the repaired area.

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